Some elderly people wear slippers at home for a long time, which is not good for health. Because the slippers are mostly flat and flat, they can change the posture and center of gravity of the human body, causing uneven distribution of the foot load. Older people, especially elderly women who are physically obese, will feel tired when wearing slippers for a long time and will also cause the arch of the foot to fall. Therefore, elderly people should wear sloped slippers or ordinary cloth shoes with heel at home. The most suitable height is 2.5 cm.
Also at home must be careful not to wear slippers, try to be one person and one pair. Mixed wear slippers is the main cause of foot skin infections, if the weather is hot, bacteria are more likely to spread. It is understood that in many families, it is not customary to provide a pair of flip flops for guests, especially when they come to the home with a pair of slippers. It is also common practice for households to wear slippers, including water fleas and immersion. Follicle type and keratinization type and other athlete's foot. In social situations, it is easy to get infected through foot baths, foot massages, and other means. When you return home, you may also spread foot lice through the footbath, slippers, and shampoo to others, especially when you wear slippers. The greatest opportunity. Therefore, relevant persons reminded the general public that home slippers should be marked and used for personal use, especially in the summer, and the slippers should be regularly cleaned and disinfected. When you come to your home, you don't need to change your shoes. You can give the customer a shoe cover and put the shoe up. This will benefit both the host and the guest.