The sportswear and sports caps produced by the small factories, coupled with fake “NIKE” trademarks, logos, bags, and authorization documents, were transformed into well-known brands sold abroad, thus forming a black industrial chain of counterfeiting and sales. Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Huangdao Public Security Bureau that according to a cargo seized by the Customs that was suspected of infringing on intellectual property rights, the police pulled out a network of counterfeit and false-trafficking, cracking the $300,000 worth of the involved case in one fell swoop. * More than 200 million yuan in violation of foreign-related intellectual property cases. According to reports, this is the first such case that has been cracked in our province since the end of last year when the country began cracking down on special operations against the infringement of intellectual property rights and the production and sale of shoddy goods.

The incident was intercepted by Huangdao Customs and the counterfeit Nike. In December of last year, a group of goods from the customs declaration of an international trade company in Weifang attracted the attention of the staff of Huangdao Customs. More than 5,600 knit hats and 2,700 sets of chemical fiber woven men The “NIKE” logo is printed on the sports suits worth over 56,000 U.S. dollars and allegedly infringes Nike’s trademark rights.

Upon receiving the clue, the Huangdao police cooperated with the customs in conducting an inventory check on the goods and contacted Nike International Co., Ltd. to identify the goods in question. On December 29, the Nike International Co., Ltd. appraisal report showed that the shipment was counterfeit.

Investigating the counterfeit companies in the hidden clothing factory, "If such large quantities of counterfeit products are exported abroad, there must be a counterfeit and false-trafficking network." The next day, the Huangdao police set up a special case command to initiate investigations. ** He went to Weifang to carry out an external investigation into the international trade company that exported the goods. “We learned from the Weifang Customs and Industry and Commerce Department that the company was not registered with the local industrial and commercial departments in Weifang and there were no specific logos.” The case was dealt with by the reporter. After investigating the company’s secrets on the ground, they discovered the company and the local A garment factory was run by the same person and confirmed that the company suspected of manufacturing counterfeit clothing was concealed in the garment factory.

The case ** first started with the company’s company and investigated and controlled the whereabouts of the actual operator, Li; the other party, with the cooperation of Weifang public security agencies, conducted a search on the companies involved and seized more than 170 boxes already produced. Nice fake Nike clothing for sale, 5 boxes of fake NIKE trademark. **After mastering sufficient evidence, he took mandatory measures against the suspect Lee and escorted him back to Qing.

More than 100,000 sets of counterfeit trademarks were investigated for overnight trials. The criminal suspect Lee confessed the criminal facts Choi had entrusted him with producing fake Nike apparel, and confessed that the fake Nike trademark was made by his contact with Jimo Printing & Packaging Co., Ltd.

"Because the suspect Lee was not aware of the specific location of Jimo Printing & Packaging Co., Ltd. involved in the case, and the printing factory was not registered with the Administration for Industry and Commerce, the name of the factory alone is very difficult for us to find." The task force ** told Reporter, with the cooperation of Jimo police, they launched a carpet-type Mo Pai, and finally found the printing and packaging company hidden in the suburbs, detained more than 100,000 sets of false NIKE hook-shaped trademarks and the printed version of the trademark. For the production of brand samples of the mainframe computer and other physical evidence, and timely control of the company's legal representative Xu.

"These fake trademarks are enough to be real. Without Nike's confirmation, ordinary people can't see the difference." ** told reporters that in front of strong evidence, Xu confessed that he produced a variety of products for the involved Weifang Trade Co., Ltd. The fake fact of the fake NIKE-shaped trademark of the fabric.

Cracked the black industry chain was all-side "All the clues point to this cargo of the client Choi, who is behind the scenes. Choi also forged the Nike company's authorization documents, which formed a fake, fake sales of the black industry Chain.” ** Checked that Choi lived in Lushan District. With the cooperation of the Municipal Bureau and the Shaoshan Branch, he was captured outside the residence of Choi on January 8.

At the same time as Choi’s case at the same time, the task force obtained the company’s address in Jiaozhou’s Hat Manufacturing Co., Ltd. through the further review of Lee. On January 9, the special case ** arrested Jiang, the legal representative of the company, and would fake more than 730 Nike knit caps on the spot, implying the seizure of more than 1,700 Nike trademarks. After review, Jiang confessed to the fact that more than 30,000 knit caps of counterfeit Nike trademarks worth more than RMB 170,000 were produced and sold since July 2010.

So far, a certain Weifang Co., Ltd. has successfully infringed upon foreign-related intellectual property cases in which the counterfeit Nike trademark apparel and knitted hats were infringed since July 2010. The value involved was more than US$300,000, equivalent to more than RMB 2 million, and the products were mainly exported to East Asia. At present, the case is still under further processing.


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