Body painting is not just a creative technique, but an aesthetic concept and attitude. When the human body is simply created as a canvas or a drawing, the body painting loses its meaning. The real body painting must express the content of the work according to the body curve, the body structure, and the model's body language. It is impossible to express such content on the canvas alone.
Some front-runners may wish to add a mysterious and beautiful pattern to their own body, so that the skin becomes the most close-fitting shirt, very "hyun" and very "cool." However, when it comes to tattooing, it is necessary to endure all kinds of pain and no successful grasp. After regretting, it is difficult to completely remove the original pattern. Today’s new discovery, a strong new wave of tattoos, blew from ancient India, swept across the United States, Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong, and landed in mainland China at the turn of the century. This is the use of natural plant henna as a dye. The pattern is painted directly on the skin—painting.
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