Sapphire is as expensive as ruby. If the color, clarity, and cutting are good, the price is very high. A small one often costs tens of thousands of yuan. But there are a lot of counterfeit sapphires on the market, so be cautious and buy a high-quality sapphire for a small amount of money, which is mostly deceived. Sapphire belongs to the category of jewelry. At the moment, collection jewelry is very common. But in the process of buying and selling collections, the most important thing is to learn a little bit of identification and identification.
The most common is sapphire on the market. In fact, it is easier to identify glass. The glass is pressed out at a high temperature and shrinks naturally after cooling, and the plane is recessed inward. This sag phenomenon is not easy to find with the naked eye. It must be magnified by a magnifying glass. When using a magnifying glass, it cannot be linearly focused. It should be obliquely focused, and it is easy to find concave, concave, usually glass. The polishing of the gemstone usually achieves a very flat effect. Another method of identification is that there are many types of inclusions in the glass, the most common being bubbles, and the stones are free of bubbles. The bubbles in the glass can be found by observing with a magnifying glass of 10 times.
There is also a synthetic sapphire that acts as a sapphire. The identification method is to look at the texture first, whether the texture of the texture is naturally crystallized, and the natural crystallization is often messy and disordered, so it is usually genuine. The synthetic sapphire, the crystal is often very orderly. Of course, many synthetic sapphires are clean and flawless, which is usually fake. Because natural gemstones are always somewhat foreign, there is almost no cleanliness. This synthetic sapphire is often glaring in color, very radiant, and has no deep sense of natural color. The natural gemstones are of high purity and are not glaring, and the brilliance is naturally emitted from the inside out.
Of course, this is just some basic authentication method. If you want to learn in depth, you can master this skill only by watching it often and practicing it.
Sapphire origin and other
Sapphire is produced in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Australia, China's Shandong and Hainan Island. The famous large-grain sapphire has the star sapphire of the "Asian Star" of the Smith Museum in the United States and weighs 330 carats. There is an "Indian Star" star sapphire in the New York Museum of America, weighing 563 carats. The sapphire rough found in Queensland, Australia in 1935 weighed 2,303 carats. In 1948, Queensland, Australia, discovered another 733-carat black star sapphire, the world's largest particle star sapphire.
Sapphire is the birthstone of September and the memorial stone for the 45th anniversary of marriage. The reason why sapphire is liked is related to its deep and dignified color. She is usually regarded as a symbol of loyalty, firmness and wisdom, and also symbolizes love. The Persians believed that the earth was supported by a huge sapphire, and the reflection of sapphire reflected the sky in blue. Legend has it that sapphire removes fluids or foreign objects from the eyes. Sapphire is a road stone in the eyes of the East. Those who wear sapphire are not easily injured and can make good luck.
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